<aside> 👋 Hello, I am Filipe and have been using Discord for almost 4 years. I am very experienced in the app and an Enthusiast of it! I’ve created, managed and moderated loads of Discord servers ranging from 40-14000 members!


<aside> <img src="https://assets-global.website-files.com/6257adef93867e50d84d30e2/636e0a69f118df70ad7828d4_icon_clyde_blurple_RGB.svg" alt="https://assets-global.website-files.com/6257adef93867e50d84d30e2/636e0a69f118df70ad7828d4_icon_clyde_blurple_RGB.svg" width="40px" /> My Discord Profile


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My Stuff

Thank you To:

DMTF - Discord Moderator Training Facility

You helped me with my basic formation in Discord Moderation, thank you for that.